I arrived late (becoming more Egyptian by the day it would seem- only 1.5 hrs late!!!) so missed the first dancer- and have no idea who it was. Nana (or something like that- saw her later dancing in the audience and realised I had missed the best dancer of the night!!!)
Fatima (of the Marriot hotel) danced is as tiny costumes as always- lovely figure and nice dance- she has improved since last year.

I promise that although Fatima's make up looks very scary in this picture- in reality she looked not bad!!!!!
Hanadi (of the Grand Hyatt boat) did a long set- the highlight of which was the 'african' dancers she had with her!!!- great fun. She got Tito up on stage with her too- they interacted really well with each other which was a pleasure to watch.

Then a woman I don't know- again Egyptian-
Safwa, and she is a famous actress now seemingly.

Very good dancer- tons of attitude and never boring- but horrific costume well, the first one was, where she was reveling far more flesh than appropriate- a mini skirt should at least cover your backside in my view! It was a shame- because I really wanted to watch her dance- but I was cringing too much on her behalf to start with.

They also had a giant 'birthday' cake for all at the festival and all the teachers got up on stage and sang and danced around the cake- see how many you can recognise!...............

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