Tuesday, November 28, 2006
I would love to know what the occasion was tonight……and will let you know if i find out...…. But I was sitting doing emails and suddenly there were lots of bangs- it really sounded as though Cairo was being bombed! I ran to my balcony and saw the most wonderful huge fireworks lighting up the sky above the Nile and the Four Seasons hotel- behind the Cairo Tower- what a wonderful sight. Granted they didn’t have a huge range of different types of fireworks- but it was still lovely to see. What else was really nice was seeing all the people on their balconies and also standing in the grounds of the Gazira club…watching and clapping after each firework! It was lovely and reminded me how sweet and excitable the Egyptians can be at times………….
Arabic class
First class of the new Arabic class term was yesterday………You won't believe this- I have enrolled at level 3- AGAIN- for the 3rd time!!!!!!! I was looking over my books- and I could recognize the writing was mine- but the words written it was like reading them all for the first time! I am so annoyed with myself for not doing regular revision to try and keep the knowledge in my sieve like brain. I wish we had learned my rote much more in school when I was young- maybe it would be trained enough to be able to do it now!!! Anyway- not only is it my 3rd time- but it felt like I was really struggling to grasp what we did even in this first class!!! Thankfully I have 2 really good teachers again this term- so fingers crossed something sinks in!!! I wish I was being forced to use it more…… it's really hard when EVERYONE it seems speaks English- I order in a café for example- in Arabic- and they reply in English! Tell me how is that ever going to help me learn???? GRRR…. Although- on a positive note- I do find my self listening to music and some words jumping out cos I suddenly realise I understand them!!! It's like watching a film in black and white and occasionally some of the actors can be seen in colour even though everything else is grey!!! That was yesterday- today was better- after an early night and a couple of hours revision this morning, I felt back on track again…….. I was speaking to a girl from Hungary and she agreed it was much easier for her because she doesn't have any English so people have no choice- they have to try in Arabic!
Nile Festival Closing Party
The Party was due to start at 9pm…. So of course- it was nearer 10 when it got underway. A lot less people there- or so it seemed than at the opening party. And frustratingly there were tables reserved up the front for people the organizers obviously wanted to impress etc. I really feel that the people who had paid to attend the festival should get first dibs on seats….. rather than the friends of teachers…. Ah well- that’s Egypt I guess. It is a fairly small hall- seats 250people, and they did have 2 large screens so you could watch the dancer there if your view was blocked which ours was- by the video man of course!!!)

1st dancer was Fatima. She dances regularly at the Marriot nightclub and is young, and Egyptian. She obviously hasn't been performing long- however the potential is there to be a fantastic dancer. A name to watch out for in the future!!! I have to say- I found it hard to focus on her moves when I was distracted by her costumes all the time- 3 costumes all with teeny short skirts… and a miracle her top half stayed where it should too. The 4th costume was a long skirt and she just looks so much more elegant in it- she has a
fabulous figure…. And hair to die for- I would love to believe it was a wig, just so I felt less jealous- but I think it was the real thing! I believe she is Aida's protégé… and I believe she will go far. Her band was fantastic! Huge- as big as any I have seen Dina perform with. At least 3 different male lead singers- one of them, poor guy, did an Egyptian version of 'Lady' (which I know as a salsa song- but I believe Kenny Rodgers did it too?) anyway- I have heard the song at a disco- but this guy was so nervous, fiddling with his pockets while singing and shaking that he could hardly get any sound out- poor thing- its been a while since I have seen someone struck with stage fright so bad. She had another notable singer- a blind woman who looked- and dressed, and styled her hair- like Omm Kalthoum- it was a very surreal feeling- watching Omm K on stage with a dancer……… nice gimmick.

After the buffet there seemed to be some dispute who would dance. It turned out to be Leila (American). Beautiful- with stunning costumes- every one. A few Eman Zaki creations in there I am sure. My favourite part of her show is the Nubian section- where she has 2 Sudanese guys dance with her- and they are sooo good. Lovely to see a man dance who is 100% male, and who is not trying to be or do anything other than that.
Then with hardly room to pause- the next dancer. Liza Laziza (part Iranian, I think part British too- or maybe just brougt up in Britain?) She seemed on edge and not as good as I ha
ve seen her before- possibly because she was dancing with the same band Leila had- i.e. Safa's (and I don't think she usually dances with them?) Maybe because she had expected to dance before Leila.
I liked it when she just danced….. when she wasn't trying to 'do' anything. Her stick dance was the same routine exactly as at the June festival and when you have seen it once- well- that’s enough for me. I felt watching her that woman really do get stronger as they get older- as long as they don't try to be or stay something they are not. Coquettish doesn't work for me past the age of , well even past 35 unless you look really baby faced… but proud and powerful never sits so well on a young woman as it does with someone who has seen and experienced a bit more of life. Liza's Khaleegy was fab. Really enjoyed her feel in it- fun and lively and she didn't have it go on too long either- something which often ruins a khaleegy performance! She looked in her element there. The final costume was the perfect one for her too- white with large-ish pearls all covering the bra and bum……. Straight skirt. Very elegant and showed off the moves well. Such a shame Aida wouldn't allow her the extra time to do her drum solo…. I guess the next band were hassling to start.
The band which came on after Liza was massive- larger, or equal to Fatima's band anyway. I am ashamed to say that yet again I have to let you down- I don't know the name of the singer- she was Sudanese- and seemingly very famous…. A wee bundle of energy and fantastic voice anyway. And she had wonderful fun dancers with her- 4 guys 3 girls. They could DANCE. Not just waiters who had been put into a costume which is the impression you often get here of backing dancers!!!! Really fun- with sticks with tassels on them- all bright colours which they filled the tiny stage with and then went round the audience with- getting people up to dance and circling round them- making these sticks seem like a bright colourful roof above the dancer. Lovely- I couldn’t' sit still and stood up the back shaking my stuff the whole time- so nice to feel like I want to dance again….. I missed that feeling since being ill!
The band couldn't have done double the length of set and it wouldn't have been a problem I think- everyone seemed to be loving them. Maybe cos it was something different from watching a bellydancer yet again? Or maybe cos it was just such fun dance inspiring music to listen to!
Before the night came to a close they had the 2 winners from a recent competition in Russian perform. Not sure about one girls name- but she was very like a very young fifi- lots of big fast moves and covering the stage well- fun. And the other girls Yasmine was fantastically charismatic- full of fun miming to words and very Egyptian in feel.
And so the Nile Group festival came to an end. I am glad I went to the workshops I did. It was also good to see all of the performances- Fatima in particular, I had heard good things about her and had want to see her for myself for a while. I miss the grandeur (and much higher dance level) of the Ahlan we sahlan festival. But this is a good one for people who haven't been dancing so long….. smaller classes and a friendly atmosphere- again more down to the smaller number more than anything. The opening and closing shows I have to say don't compare in my mind to the Ahlan we sahlan festival- but then again- the buffet is easier to get to!!!
Yet another late night. But head bursting with new ideas and itching to get performing as soon as possible!
1st dancer was Fatima. She dances regularly at the Marriot nightclub and is young, and Egyptian. She obviously hasn't been performing long- however the potential is there to be a fantastic dancer. A name to watch out for in the future!!! I have to say- I found it hard to focus on her moves when I was distracted by her costumes all the time- 3 costumes all with teeny short skirts… and a miracle her top half stayed where it should too. The 4th costume was a long skirt and she just looks so much more elegant in it- she has a
After the buffet there seemed to be some dispute who would dance. It turned out to be Leila (American). Beautiful- with stunning costumes- every one. A few Eman Zaki creations in there I am sure. My favourite part of her show is the Nubian section- where she has 2 Sudanese guys dance with her- and they are sooo good. Lovely to see a man dance who is 100% male, and who is not trying to be or do anything other than that.
Then with hardly room to pause- the next dancer. Liza Laziza (part Iranian, I think part British too- or maybe just brougt up in Britain?) She seemed on edge and not as good as I ha
The band which came on after Liza was massive- larger, or equal to Fatima's band anyway. I am ashamed to say that yet again I have to let you down- I don't know the name of the singer- she was Sudanese- and seemingly very famous…. A wee bundle of energy and fantastic voice anyway. And she had wonderful fun dancers with her- 4 guys 3 girls. They could DANCE. Not just waiters who had been put into a costume which is the impression you often get here of backing dancers!!!! Really fun- with sticks with tassels on them- all bright colours which they filled the tiny stage with and then went round the audience with- getting people up to dance and circling round them- making these sticks seem like a bright colourful roof above the dancer. Lovely- I couldn’t' sit still and stood up the back shaking my stuff the whole time- so nice to feel like I want to dance again….. I missed that feeling since being ill!
The band couldn't have done double the length of set and it wouldn't have been a problem I think- everyone seemed to be loving them. Maybe cos it was something different from watching a bellydancer yet again? Or maybe cos it was just such fun dance inspiring music to listen to!
Before the night came to a close they had the 2 winners from a recent competition in Russian perform. Not sure about one girls name- but she was very like a very young fifi- lots of big fast moves and covering the stage well- fun. And the other girls Yasmine was fantastically charismatic- full of fun miming to words and very Egyptian in feel.
And so the Nile Group festival came to an end. I am glad I went to the workshops I did. It was also good to see all of the performances- Fatima in particular, I had heard good things about her and had want to see her for myself for a while. I miss the grandeur (and much higher dance level) of the Ahlan we sahlan festival. But this is a good one for people who haven't been dancing so long….. smaller classes and a friendly atmosphere- again more down to the smaller number more than anything. The opening and closing shows I have to say don't compare in my mind to the Ahlan we sahlan festival- but then again- the buffet is easier to get to!!!
Yet another late night. But head bursting with new ideas and itching to get performing as soon as possible!
Aida Nour- workshop
It is just so difficult for my body to come to terms with dancing at 10am…… totally unnatural!!! That’s when Aida's workshop was on Sunday. I was really looking forward to it- 3hrs of her fun style of teaching with melaya. She is a strange dancer to describe. When she floats- she really does… but when she does earthy it is more funky than grounded. Often she puts in moves that I know she can get away with in her dance- e.g. pelvic thrusts with knees bent and legs wide…. But I know if I was to put it into a dance people would say it looked vulgar, whereas she just looks like she I having fun! Maybe that one of the benefits of age! Anyway- she started us off (after a beautiful floaty warm up with stretching balletic arms) into the melaya routine… which wasn't obvious- but definite achievable. I felt I was enjoying and getting it….. but then she watched us all (about 60 in the room) doing it and she told the guy on the music- 'mish mumkin' and 'wahish' – i.e. not possible and bad!!!! So she changed the routine. I was really disappointed cos I had really liked what we were doing and the music, but I guess there was probably only about 10 of us in the class who actually got it- so she changed the level of the workshop to suit the majority of the class- which is exactly what you should do I guess as a teacher- but I felt like she had slapped us all!! Ok- so it wasn't meant personally- but I took it that way and went into a bad mood for the rest of the workshop! Esp. since she did a routine which I had done with her both in the June festival and last year in a private class. GRRR. She did one melaya routine, then quickly danced though a couple of times 2 other dances- including one haggela one- with had a lot of head slapping- don’t ask, and lots of circles with shimmys.

Everyone I spoke to enjoyed it………….. so it was Just me….. For lots of reasons- too tired, and disappointed we as a class weren't deemed worthy of her new routine, and frustrated at doing something I'd done before. Maybe understanding Arabic is going to lead to more frustrations than if I didn't?!!! If I hadn't understood her judgment of us all then maybe I could have believed that she had just forgotten which routine she was supposed to be doing or something. Ah well- glad I went……… I enjoyed the first half hour of it at least!
Everyone I spoke to enjoyed it………….. so it was Just me….. For lots of reasons- too tired, and disappointed we as a class weren't deemed worthy of her new routine, and frustrated at doing something I'd done before. Maybe understanding Arabic is going to lead to more frustrations than if I didn't?!!! If I hadn't understood her judgment of us all then maybe I could have believed that she had just forgotten which routine she was supposed to be doing or something. Ah well- glad I went……… I enjoyed the first half hour of it at least!
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Workshop review- Zeina
Zeina is from Sweden, married to an Egyptian (one of the organizers of the Nile Group festival) and used to perform here in Cairo, although she told us in the workshop today that she hasn’t performed since '95. There is seemingly a very strong and talented dance following in Sweden- and I can imagine if they have had this woman's guidance over the last ten years at least then that's part of the reason.
I have to say I was dubious at first….. She went over some of the drum rhythms, but the drummer kept interrupting and correcting occasionally…….. and people couldn't hear at the back (well – I couldn't) so although a lot of people seemed to learn a lot from that section- I actually felt confused after where I had felt fine before hand!
However- then the dancing started…… she started with a few different combo- mostly with shimmy's - to a couple of rhythms…. Then a few moving around the room combos…. You felt that these were really nice pieces of dance that were useable to a variety of different styles of music and nice to adapt into your own style of dance. Then she said lets start the choreography- and low and behold she had taught us a large section of the start of the dance- it was a lovely feeling- to be almost dancing to the music from the first listen as we had drilled the combos so well that we only had to concentrate on connecting them- oh except for arms. Zeina has lovely graceful arm movements- I felt like an awkward baby foal trying to copy- as though my limbs were just too long and not within my control!!! It was a lovely dance and we finished it in perfect time in the workshop. I really felt I could dance at least parts of the routine, and focus on putting feeling and emotion into it rather than worrying what steps came next. It wasn't an exceptionally easy routine either- just the organized manner of teaching it really helped it stick in my mind far more than is usual with other people's choreographies!
I had been toying with going to Dandash's workshop instead of Zeina… but I made the right choice… especially since Dandash failed to show up and her workshop had to be covered by another teacher at the last moment! When it comes to energy and feel and fun- Dandash has it- but as for teaching skills- Zeina any day!
I have to say I was dubious at first….. She went over some of the drum rhythms, but the drummer kept interrupting and correcting occasionally…….. and people couldn't hear at the back (well – I couldn't) so although a lot of people seemed to learn a lot from that section- I actually felt confused after where I had felt fine before hand!
However- then the dancing started…… she started with a few different combo- mostly with shimmy's - to a couple of rhythms…. Then a few moving around the room combos…. You felt that these were really nice pieces of dance that were useable to a variety of different styles of music and nice to adapt into your own style of dance. Then she said lets start the choreography- and low and behold she had taught us a large section of the start of the dance- it was a lovely feeling- to be almost dancing to the music from the first listen as we had drilled the combos so well that we only had to concentrate on connecting them- oh except for arms. Zeina has lovely graceful arm movements- I felt like an awkward baby foal trying to copy- as though my limbs were just too long and not within my control!!! It was a lovely dance and we finished it in perfect time in the workshop. I really felt I could dance at least parts of the routine, and focus on putting feeling and emotion into it rather than worrying what steps came next. It wasn't an exceptionally easy routine either- just the organized manner of teaching it really helped it stick in my mind far more than is usual with other people's choreographies!
I had been toying with going to Dandash's workshop instead of Zeina… but I made the right choice… especially since Dandash failed to show up and her workshop had to be covered by another teacher at the last moment! When it comes to energy and feel and fun- Dandash has it- but as for teaching skills- Zeina any day!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Hemis and Suraya- Performance reviews
On Friday night (last night) Caroline and I went out to see a couple of dancers…
First we went to see Hemis perform at the 'windows of the world' restaurant in the 36th floor of the Ramsis Hilton. She has danced there for years and has defiantly improved over that time. Now she has 2 'dancing boys' to warm up the dance floor for her- not literally- there would be no need- you should SEE the shoes!!!! I have to say I often feel that she would feel and look the part far more if she was ever to invest in decent costumes….. Not so nice. Short skirts on each on, and she doesn't have the most perfect pins in the world and the shoes- well………… I KNOW I couldn't have walked in these let alone danced and spun!
Her dancing was fun and flirty. She makes her audience feel appreciated. She has the usual 'I don't have to try hard at this' type of attitude you often see in Egyptian dancers- usually at lower class establishments; except that she does it all with a friendly smile and wins you over. Her dance really came to life for me on this occasion when she danced to baladi- she got lost in it for a while and you saw all the potential she could have. I often feel watching Hemis that if dance was a more respectable occupation to have in this country and she
had been made to feel valued because of it (as I have been lucky enough to have had at home) then she would pull all the punches. To me there is something almost apologetic about her- maybe a fear that she may offend. As it is you are left feeling that it could have been something more….. Her spins (esp. in those shoes) are impressive and her khaleegy and Zar both really got the crowd going- it was a very nice atmosphere. Worth a visit, even if just to enjoy how well the drummer followed each move- or as Caroline put it- a very generous drummer- a lovely a relevant expression, they got me up to dance at one point and he made me look like I really knew the piece of music I was dancing to and I didn’t!
Then we went to see a star. Suraya, from Brazil, at the Casablanca restaurant in the Cairo Sheraton. WOW. WOW!!! I have seen this girl dance I couldn’t tell you how many times- numerous… and often I feel wow she is really good…. But occasionally she actually makes me forget to shut my mouth or even to breathe. This was one of those occasions. Her costumes were stunning- all obviously high quality (at least one by Eman I guessed) and a couple of rather risqué ones too which made me wonder how she could possible stay in place. Her orchestra really tight. And her musical interpretation much more relaxed than I have seen it before (I mean that in a positive way!- i.e. she is not miming all the actions to all the words in a song- although there is still a fair bit of that too) But her moves- TIGHT does not cover it. Her hits and tummy pops were so strong they seemed physically impossible. I felt that I was watching as though I didn't know how to do most of these moves- i.e. with the awe that someone feels when they see their first ever bellydancer (if she is any good!) She did reverse V8's that seemed almost internal. Watching this bundle of beautiful energy dance around the stage and entertain us all really made me feel both that I was a rubbish dancer and should give up and go home now, and also inspired to work harder and try for at least a fraction of the skill she has. I remember years ago coming to Cairo- before she was in the Sheraton (so more than 4 years ago) and seeing her rehearse in Raqia's dance studio- at least 3 hours every morning. That’s a sobering thought and worth taking into consideration! I need to get to the gym!!! She danced to the same baladi number Hemis had earlier that night… and what a difference with a full orchestra and with a desire to do your best for the audience. Watching Suraya last night I really felt she wanted us to really enjoy her dance…. But not in a pleading way- she seemed really proud that she could be doing this and showing us what she could do. Sexy rather than just coquettish too at parts- stronger. Shimmy's to die for- and a tummy pop shimmy which made me gasp out loud. The move was huge and fast- very fast! Her final number was Lissa Fakir and it was the best I have seen her dance to Omm Khalthoum. Especially this first part when it was all on the spot and really controlled. Watching her I really felt that of all the performers in Cairo just now… She is defiantly up there in the top 3. Rhanda, Suraya and I guess Dina (although I prefer to watch Asmahan than Dina to be honest).
Ohh- and I forgot to mention- she has died her hair bright red. Like..... RED!! Looks great- really funky and different- but suits her quirky girl-like attitude.
What a day. 2 workshops and 2 performers. There are times like these where I feel so lucky to be here! It is worth all the down times!!!
First we went to see Hemis perform at the 'windows of the world' restaurant in the 36th floor of the Ramsis Hilton. She has danced there for years and has defiantly improved over that time. Now she has 2 'dancing boys' to warm up the dance floor for her- not literally- there would be no need- you should SEE the shoes!!!! I have to say I often feel that she would feel and look the part far more if she was ever to invest in decent costumes….. Not so nice. Short skirts on each on, and she doesn't have the most perfect pins in the world and the shoes- well………… I KNOW I couldn't have walked in these let alone danced and spun!
Her dancing was fun and flirty. She makes her audience feel appreciated. She has the usual 'I don't have to try hard at this' type of attitude you often see in Egyptian dancers- usually at lower class establishments; except that she does it all with a friendly smile and wins you over. Her dance really came to life for me on this occasion when she danced to baladi- she got lost in it for a while and you saw all the potential she could have. I often feel watching Hemis that if dance was a more respectable occupation to have in this country and she
Then we went to see a star. Suraya, from Brazil, at the Casablanca restaurant in the Cairo Sheraton. WOW. WOW!!! I have seen this girl dance I couldn’t tell you how many times- numerous… and often I feel wow she is really good…. But occasionally she actually makes me forget to shut my mouth or even to breathe. This was one of those occasions. Her costumes were stunning- all obviously high quality (at least one by Eman I guessed) and a couple of rather risqué ones too which made me wonder how she could possible stay in place. Her orchestra really tight. And her musical interpretation much more relaxed than I have seen it before (I mean that in a positive way!- i.e. she is not miming all the actions to all the words in a song- although there is still a fair bit of that too) But her moves- TIGHT does not cover it. Her hits and tummy pops were so strong they seemed physically impossible. I felt that I was watching as though I didn't know how to do most of these moves- i.e. with the awe that someone feels when they see their first ever bellydancer (if she is any good!) She did reverse V8's that seemed almost internal. Watching this bundle of beautiful energy dance around the stage and entertain us all really made me feel both that I was a rubbish dancer and should give up and go home now, and also inspired to work harder and try for at least a fraction of the skill she has. I remember years ago coming to Cairo- before she was in the Sheraton (so more than 4 years ago) and seeing her rehearse in Raqia's dance studio- at least 3 hours every morning. That’s a sobering thought and worth taking into consideration! I need to get to the gym!!! She danced to the same baladi number Hemis had earlier that night… and what a difference with a full orchestra and with a desire to do your best for the audience. Watching Suraya last night I really felt she wanted us to really enjoy her dance…. But not in a pleading way- she seemed really proud that she could be doing this and showing us what she could do. Sexy rather than just coquettish too at parts- stronger. Shimmy's to die for- and a tummy pop shimmy which made me gasp out loud. The move was huge and fast- very fast! Her final number was Lissa Fakir and it was the best I have seen her dance to Omm Khalthoum. Especially this first part when it was all on the spot and really controlled. Watching her I really felt that of all the performers in Cairo just now… She is defiantly up there in the top 3. Rhanda, Suraya and I guess Dina (although I prefer to watch Asmahan than Dina to be honest).
Ohh- and I forgot to mention- she has died her hair bright red. Like..... RED!! Looks great- really funky and different- but suits her quirky girl-like attitude.
What a day. 2 workshops and 2 performers. There are times like these where I feel so lucky to be here! It is worth all the down times!!!
Blog number 100 !
Well……….. I can't believe here is my 100th entry in the Lorna in Cairo blog… who would have thought 8 months on I'd still be here, still fighting to achieve my goals and living on savings!
I hope you have all enjoyed the blog so far……….. Hopefully as time goes on it'll get more and more dance orientated…….. I am glad so many of you read it and enjoy it and I really appreciate all the feedback and comments I've been getting! I feel like I haven't left Edinburgh in so many ways because there has been so much contact between us… Thank you all for that. And sorry for the moans and groans- this blog has many purposes… keeping you all up to date on what's happening, acting as a diary for me so I can look back over my time here and remember it all, and also as an aid to keeping me sane!!
You know I was chatting with a friend yesterday and she was saying that no matter what I feel I haven’t yet achieved being here all this time- I have in fact gained from the experience sooo much! And she is right. I have new friends, an improved knowledge of the culture and language, a deeper knowledge of me- living on my own all this time and being often alone more than I have ever been in my life- finding I can live with myself- a fairly nice revelation, and of course the far greater appreciation and understanding and skills I have now in the dance.
So 100th blog on- please- I want lots of comments on this entry- what has been good to read- what do you want more of/ less of… what would improve it??? (other than more photos- they are on their way- promise!!!) Remember- if you tried to comment in the past- I have changed the way it works so it is much easier to comment here- but please leave your name- lots of the comments are coming up as anon…. unless you want to remain anonymous of course!!!
So what should you expect over the next 100 blogs…………. More of the same I guess- more of daily life and experiences of a
Scottish Bellydancer in Cairo!!!!
I hope you have all enjoyed the blog so far……….. Hopefully as time goes on it'll get more and more dance orientated…….. I am glad so many of you read it and enjoy it and I really appreciate all the feedback and comments I've been getting! I feel like I haven't left Edinburgh in so many ways because there has been so much contact between us… Thank you all for that. And sorry for the moans and groans- this blog has many purposes… keeping you all up to date on what's happening, acting as a diary for me so I can look back over my time here and remember it all, and also as an aid to keeping me sane!!
You know I was chatting with a friend yesterday and she was saying that no matter what I feel I haven’t yet achieved being here all this time- I have in fact gained from the experience sooo much! And she is right. I have new friends, an improved knowledge of the culture and language, a deeper knowledge of me- living on my own all this time and being often alone more than I have ever been in my life- finding I can live with myself- a fairly nice revelation, and of course the far greater appreciation and understanding and skills I have now in the dance.
So 100th blog on- please- I want lots of comments on this entry- what has been good to read- what do you want more of/ less of… what would improve it??? (other than more photos- they are on their way- promise!!!) Remember- if you tried to comment in the past- I have changed the way it works so it is much easier to comment here- but please leave your name- lots of the comments are coming up as anon…. unless you want to remain anonymous of course!!!
So what should you expect over the next 100 blogs…………. More of the same I guess- more of daily life and experiences of a
Scottish Bellydancer in Cairo!!!!
More workshop reviews- Lubna and Nour
Yesterday was a wonderful day. 2 fantastic workshops;
Lubna- Egyptian dancer- not so young… was a bit concerned when I saw the white catsuit with black, thigh high, leg warmers………… But… When it comes to Saaidi this woman really knows what she is doing!!
In 3 hours she took us through a lovely wee choreography for stick- not that we could use stick in the class 'cos there were too many people in it to do that without injuries!!! However- when she demonstrated with the stick you just wouldn't mess with her- if you know w
hat I mean! A powerful lady. But as a teacher- very friendly and warm and humourous, with a structured teaching style and only one break in 3 hours!! Reda style- but with more attitude. For that grounded earthy feeling you need for a good saaidi dance - I have not seen many better. Am hoping to arrange private classes with her over the next week or two. The steps she taught were not complex, but lovely little combos with fantastic feel. Nice. Felt but the end that I had got it enough step wise but that I could spend the rest of my life aiming for that feel!!! She looked like she may well have been born twirling a stick!!!
Nour- Russian who has lived and performed in Egypt for many years now and has such a good reputation here that she doesn't perform in any hotel in town- she gets enough work from weddings alone! At 4 months pregnant she was striking. If that was her feeling a bit ill (she was a little late for class 'cos she had morning sickness) I really don't think I could keep up with her on full strength! The choreography she did with us was very oriental in style and full of good balance and grace and tight controlled pelvic drops, lifts shimmys etc etc… well, it was when she danced it anyway. Again not many new moves as such- but lovely little variations of moves and step patterns in very varied combinations (e.g. very fast chonks on top of a H8 which was changing height all the time- sorry I know these bits will only make sense to dancers who know my names for moves!!!) which means that it was often difficult to predict what was coming next- lots of surprises for the audience. Very skilled. A true professional. She had a clear and logical teaching style and lovely interesting foot patterns- very balletic in her strength and control, and spins. Another one I want lessons from! Especially if she can get my arms even half as graceful as hers are. I sat out part of her class 'cos I was tired- she didn’t rest once- amazing! Then when I was really ready for the end of the class- she did another half hour of khaleegy- wow. I have seen many people do it- but none who have turned it into a sensual performance art! Usually it all the usual khaleegy moves… but they seem to link to the 1234 of the music- when she danced it there were lots of stops within the music and pauses and small sexy shoulder rolls etc I have never wanted to watch anyone perform khaleegy as much- usually it’s the type of dance that’s far more fun to do than watch…. She did the usual hair spins and also what I will forever know as the 'Bortucali' dance- i.e. an Iraqi move a group of us did one year for a show and hafla… with saaidi jump fwd and back- but Nour did it flinging hair fwd then back on every step- and not just once or twice but enough to make you feel- 'how the heck can she do that and not fall over'!
So – both these dancers inspired me but in different ways. Nour for the control and balance and energy, and Lubna for grounding and power. So glad I went to these!
Lubna- Egyptian dancer- not so young… was a bit concerned when I saw the white catsuit with black, thigh high, leg warmers………… But… When it comes to Saaidi this woman really knows what she is doing!!
In 3 hours she took us through a lovely wee choreography for stick- not that we could use stick in the class 'cos there were too many people in it to do that without injuries!!! However- when she demonstrated with the stick you just wouldn't mess with her- if you know w
Nour- Russian who has lived and performed in Egypt for many years now and has such a good reputation here that she doesn't perform in any hotel in town- she gets enough work from weddings alone! At 4 months pregnant she was striking. If that was her feeling a bit ill (she was a little late for class 'cos she had morning sickness) I really don't think I could keep up with her on full strength! The choreography she did with us was very oriental in style and full of good balance and grace and tight controlled pelvic drops, lifts shimmys etc etc… well, it was when she danced it anyway. Again not many new moves as such- but lovely little variations of moves and step patterns in very varied combinations (e.g. very fast chonks on top of a H8 which was changing height all the time- sorry I know these bits will only make sense to dancers who know my names for moves!!!) which means that it was often difficult to predict what was coming next- lots of surprises for the audience. Very skilled. A true professional. She had a clear and logical teaching style and lovely interesting foot patterns- very balletic in her strength and control, and spins. Another one I want lessons from! Especially if she can get my arms even half as graceful as hers are. I sat out part of her class 'cos I was tired- she didn’t rest once- amazing! Then when I was really ready for the end of the class- she did another half hour of khaleegy- wow. I have seen many people do it- but none who have turned it into a sensual performance art! Usually it all the usual khaleegy moves… but they seem to link to the 1234 of the music- when she danced it there were lots of stops within the music and pauses and small sexy shoulder rolls etc I have never wanted to watch anyone perform khaleegy as much- usually it’s the type of dance that’s far more fun to do than watch…. She did the usual hair spins and also what I will forever know as the 'Bortucali' dance- i.e. an Iraqi move a group of us did one year for a show and hafla… with saaidi jump fwd and back- but Nour did it flinging hair fwd then back on every step- and not just once or twice but enough to make you feel- 'how the heck can she do that and not fall over'!
So – both these dancers inspired me but in different ways. Nour for the control and balance and energy, and Lubna for grounding and power. So glad I went to these!
You Know You've Lived in Egypt Too Long When ...
I did not compose this- but so much of it is sooo true that I thought I would share it with you all...I added some of my own in italics..
- You're not surprised to see a goat in the passenger seat
- (you're not suprised when the taxi driver lights up a cigarette- in fact the opposite it true)
- You expect the confirmation on your airline ticket to read "insha'allah"
- You don't expect to eat dinner before 10:30 p.m. (mine was 1 am last night!)
- You need a sweater when it's 80 degrees outside (oh yes- I am there!!!)
- You believe that speed limits are only advisory (since I don't drive in Egypt I can't give first hand info on these ones- but it gives you a sense of the road 'system' )
-You have no problem with tractors driving 40kph on the highway
- You fully expect to go to jail when a local national hits the back of your car at a stop sign
- You know which end of a shawarma to unwrap first
- You think that the further you inch into the middle of an intersection, the faster the light will turn green
- You consider it normal for the same section of the road to be dug up three times by contractors in the space of a few weeks (I got used to this happening in Edinburgh!!)
- You understand that the true definition of a nanosecond is the time interval between the light turning green and the guy behind youhonking his horn
- You can receive every TV station crystal clear except the local one
- You get used to using the cold water tap to get hot water during the summer ( and when your electricity socket flashes blue whenever you put in a plug)
- You make left turns from the far right lane without a second thought
- You expect gold for every birthday
- You think Pepsi begins with a "B" (and Blease!!)
- You think that a box of kleenex belongs on every dinner table (and in every car)
- You think water only comes in bottles
- You understand that when someone says "Bukra (tomorrow), Insha'Allah" to you it really means "Sometime during this calendar year"...if you're lucky!
- When you don't bat an eyelid to see Dad, Mum sitting side-saddle holding babe in arms on a scooter. (or indeed- someone holding a goat on a scooter- I have seen this!!!)
- Opening a bank account with the air -con guy working in the background, his mate brings in his lunch and they sit there eating. (security???)
- when 5 people turn up to change a tap washer, but they havent got a washer, and the only tool they've got is a hammer, and they want you to give them lunch before they start. (they don't get it!!!)
- you don't think anything of phoning the chemist to send you some antibiotics that you have prescribed to yourself- ie not via doctor
- you expect to have a fight with a taxi driver about the fare,and are suprised if you don't.
- you want past an Egyptian male friend in the street, who is calling to you, because you have effectivly switched your horn tooting and comment hearing radar off.
I am sure I could make up a few more- but that will do for now! more reviews of dance workshops and dancers I have seen later...
- You're not surprised to see a goat in the passenger seat
- (you're not suprised when the taxi driver lights up a cigarette- in fact the opposite it true)
- You expect the confirmation on your airline ticket to read "insha'allah"
- You don't expect to eat dinner before 10:30 p.m. (mine was 1 am last night!)
- You need a sweater when it's 80 degrees outside (oh yes- I am there!!!)
- You believe that speed limits are only advisory (since I don't drive in Egypt I can't give first hand info on these ones- but it gives you a sense of the road 'system' )
-You have no problem with tractors driving 40kph on the highway
- You fully expect to go to jail when a local national hits the back of your car at a stop sign
- You know which end of a shawarma to unwrap first
- You think that the further you inch into the middle of an intersection, the faster the light will turn green
- You consider it normal for the same section of the road to be dug up three times by contractors in the space of a few weeks (I got used to this happening in Edinburgh!!)
- You understand that the true definition of a nanosecond is the time interval between the light turning green and the guy behind youhonking his horn
- You can receive every TV station crystal clear except the local one
- You get used to using the cold water tap to get hot water during the summer ( and when your electricity socket flashes blue whenever you put in a plug)
- You make left turns from the far right lane without a second thought
- You expect gold for every birthday
- You think Pepsi begins with a "B" (and Blease!!)
- You think that a box of kleenex belongs on every dinner table (and in every car)
- You think water only comes in bottles
- You understand that when someone says "Bukra (tomorrow), Insha'Allah" to you it really means "Sometime during this calendar year"...if you're lucky!
- When you don't bat an eyelid to see Dad, Mum sitting side-saddle holding babe in arms on a scooter. (or indeed- someone holding a goat on a scooter- I have seen this!!!)
- Opening a bank account with the air -con guy working in the background, his mate brings in his lunch and they sit there eating. (security???)
- when 5 people turn up to change a tap washer, but they havent got a washer, and the only tool they've got is a hammer, and they want you to give them lunch before they start. (they don't get it!!!)
- you don't think anything of phoning the chemist to send you some antibiotics that you have prescribed to yourself- ie not via doctor
- you expect to have a fight with a taxi driver about the fare,and are suprised if you don't.
- you want past an Egyptian male friend in the street, who is calling to you, because you have effectivly switched your horn tooting and comment hearing radar off.
I am sure I could make up a few more- but that will do for now! more reviews of dance workshops and dancers I have seen later...
Thursday, November 23, 2006
workshop 1- leeza laziza
well yesterday I did Liza (leeza?) 's workshop..... considering she had been in the hospital on a drip the day before you would never have guessed it from her class! (nothing serious- she's fine now) anyway- what was interesting about her workshop was that it was quite unlike a lot of the Egyptian dancers classes because She didn't teach a choreography- which is fine by me cos I can never remember them anyway! She did technique.... how to get really loose gentle shimmys, elegant arabesques, earthy egyptian walk, big hip drops (keeping the back leg straight all the time) one hip circles, cross points, shoulder shimmys- fifi abdou style.... lots of stuff, then we just danced....... I always find it hard- I guess cos have been a teacher so long now too, following another dancer- hard not to interpert the music as you would normally choose too- but always good practise for me... I was really worried about how I'd cope with a 3 hour class after being ill for weeks- but it was fine.
Best bit- exercises for loosening up shimmys......... worst bit- have had people like Raqia saying do this, dont do this, then going to Liza and being told the opposite is the right way- guess all I can do it take the best of both......... but if I did figure 8's with my legs wide apart the way liza does them in front of Raqia she would kill me, not to mention doing loose big hip drops that follow through into the opposite hip (sore!!)!!!!! Always interesting to see different teachers styles.... and I liked how aware Liza was about what everyone in her class was doing all the time, and very friendly with it (impressive language skills too!!!) ... although practising moves with music on quiet in the background- but trying to not dance to that music was near impossible for me- I can't count 1234 if the music is going 12AND34.... too hard. In all- glad i went.... good initial workshop for a festival for me but go again? not sure.....too many conflicting ways to do each move!
on a different note entirely- went to my first ever thanksgiving dinner this evening. there were about 40 people at this womans house (a lot of them kids) and they all seemed lovely. The turkey was the biggest thing I have ever seen!!! I'm sure they just chopped the legs off an orstrich!!!! And there was american pumkin pie which I had for the first time and a beautiful egyptian style pumkin pie which was to die for!!! Going to bed with a very full , happy tummy!
Best bit- exercises for loosening up shimmys......... worst bit- have had people like Raqia saying do this, dont do this, then going to Liza and being told the opposite is the right way- guess all I can do it take the best of both......... but if I did figure 8's with my legs wide apart the way liza does them in front of Raqia she would kill me, not to mention doing loose big hip drops that follow through into the opposite hip (sore!!)!!!!! Always interesting to see different teachers styles.... and I liked how aware Liza was about what everyone in her class was doing all the time, and very friendly with it (impressive language skills too!!!) ... although practising moves with music on quiet in the background- but trying to not dance to that music was near impossible for me- I can't count 1234 if the music is going 12AND34.... too hard. In all- glad i went.... good initial workshop for a festival for me but go again? not sure.....too many conflicting ways to do each move!
on a different note entirely- went to my first ever thanksgiving dinner this evening. there were about 40 people at this womans house (a lot of them kids) and they all seemed lovely. The turkey was the biggest thing I have ever seen!!! I'm sure they just chopped the legs off an orstrich!!!! And there was american pumkin pie which I had for the first time and a beautiful egyptian style pumkin pie which was to die for!!! Going to bed with a very full , happy tummy!
Nile Group Festival- opening
Well- this week is the Nile Group Festival week at the Movenpick hotel, Haram. Still full of the flu I went along to the opening night on monday night. At the start if the evening, they had a saadi band playing in the entrance hall of the hotel, with tannouras (whirling dervishes) and then 8 girls with shamadan (candelabra) on their heads! The processions made its way- for about an hour in total into the main hall and then we waited for the shows to begin.
Tito was first, with his group. He performs in hotels in Sharm, so he has a group of 4 girls and 4 boys who are backing dancers for him... but they also do various routines including pharonic style ones...... Tito himself performed his amazing stick dance- with 4 sticks!!!! Swinging them round and stopping them just inces away from Mahmoud Reda's face (he was sitting in the audience with Farida Fahmy, Aida Nour, Feres, Nour, Leil
a, Khaled Mahmoud........... all the other dancers and teachers for the festival in fact!) So- amazing stick dance. Then a bit of floating about......... very nice.... then he came out with a sheesha balanced on his head- smoking it and dancing- fifi abdul style!! VERY good- the crowd went wild and he stood on the table where all the
teachers were and that was fun.... lots of attitude and power.... and very strange to see a man squatting down and wiggling his rear end in another mans face............... what can I say!!! He did his famous drum solo- where he dances on a tabla and walks balanced on it across the stage- impressive esp on a carpeted stage! All in all a good show.... although I was a bit disappointed cos so many of the dances, esp his groups dances, were exactly the same as at the Nile Group festival in June this year.
After the Buffet (very
good food!!!!) we waited for ages , it felt like....... and at midnight Lucy performed. She performed in all for about an hour and a half. well- to be honest I felt she was in the changing room the majority of the time.......... but excuse me being critical- she did have lots of costume changes........ and if I can get the photos onto the blog later today I will! She did an omm khaltoum number which was well received... and a nubian number with a line up of bongo drums etc in front of h
er already massive orchestra... a little khaleegy... and finished with the thing I think she is best at- dancing through the audience with a stick to saadi- getting onto tables/chairs- dancing with the audience....... very nicely done. I spoke to people who hadnt seen her dance before and they were impressed- I have seen her a few times before- and I find she either blows me away... or I get bored. In my mind this was not one of her best performances.....
Then ( at 1,30am) there was a singer........... and I am ashamed to say I don't know his name, but I'll try to find out- Ahmed someone- shaabi- very good.... lots of attitude and fun and really danceable music- he got lots of the dancers from the audience up onto stage with him... that was fun to watch.
The the announcement- the final dancer of the night was supposed to be Nour (Russian dancer- very good, married to Yasser- a syrian singer)- but she is 3 months pregnant! Much congratulations to them.
So instead of Nour it was to be Hanadi. I have seem Hanadi perform numerous times and it was already 2.30 am by this point, and I was still feeling ill, so I have to admit- I left and can't tell you what she was like!!!
So that was opening night!!!! The Nile Group Festival is really nice because it is much smaller than Ahlan we sahlan, and also much cheaper to attend the shows and the workshops......... ( I paid $200 for 5 , 3 hr workshops and that includes the opening and closing night shows which have a buffet- you can also attend at least 2 party nights for free in that price too!) however I have to say - the shows at Mena house are generally better value for money, with more dancers in one evening- and I felt this was the case this year here.
More to follow later about workshops attended!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Outside emotions
I was mooching around the flat today- still feeling low and sorry for myself when I heard really loud music and lots of hand clapping going on outside my front window... I stepped onto the balcony, looked down, and there was a large boat, with it's top deck crammed with people all dancing and singing, having the time of their lives. Every colour in the rainbow was represented in their clothing and the sunset was made special for me by seeing them enjoy it all so much.
Even now I can still hear music filtering out of a variety of venues along the Nile, and car horns tooting some happy couple along to their engagement or wedding party.
Cairo always seems so alive. So bursting with all aspects of live. And it just struck me why. You have wonderful celebrations and sad commemerative ones every where in the world, but usually there are large enough 'appropriate' venues for people to go and do these things in private- ie just with their own family and friends... but here, with so many people in one city, there couldn't possible be enough function halls to hold the all the weddings etc etc so everything is outside. The good stuff, and the bad stuff, in your life is shared with so many other people, outside.
So very different from the British, keep yourselves to yourselves, type of lifestyle.
Even now I can still hear music filtering out of a variety of venues along the Nile, and car horns tooting some happy couple along to their engagement or wedding party.
Cairo always seems so alive. So bursting with all aspects of live. And it just struck me why. You have wonderful celebrations and sad commemerative ones every where in the world, but usually there are large enough 'appropriate' venues for people to go and do these things in private- ie just with their own family and friends... but here, with so many people in one city, there couldn't possible be enough function halls to hold the all the weddings etc etc so everything is outside. The good stuff, and the bad stuff, in your life is shared with so many other people, outside.
So very different from the British, keep yourselves to yourselves, type of lifestyle.
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
5 days of being trapped by the flu. At least my voice has returned now.... shame it didn't bring my energy back with it. Throughout my life I have had the cold, and the flu so often I couldn't say- but it seems wrong having it here in a 'warm' country. I have so many things I could be , and more importantly, should be doing... but I can't even sit at the computer for more than 10 mins at a time without being exhausted. A couple more days and all should hopefully (inshallah) be fine again.
Yesterday both Anna and Sara came round to visit- at the same time. see no one for days then 2 at once- it was like stimuli overdrive! and I was exhausted by the time I got to bed!
onto my 6th book since thursday. wow- just realised - thats a lot of reading!
my 10 mins at the computer are up now.......... hopefully by the time I write again I'll actually have stepped outside my apartment door so I'll have something else about Cairo to tell you all- not just self obsessed moaning!
Yesterday both Anna and Sara came round to visit- at the same time. see no one for days then 2 at once- it was like stimuli overdrive! and I was exhausted by the time I got to bed!
onto my 6th book since thursday. wow- just realised - thats a lot of reading!
my 10 mins at the computer are up now.......... hopefully by the time I write again I'll actually have stepped outside my apartment door so I'll have something else about Cairo to tell you all- not just self obsessed moaning!
Friday, November 10, 2006
feeling sorry for myself
I've got flu.
bones sore, voice gone, throat sore, continual coughing.... been awake for maybe 5 of the last 25 hours.... and heading back to bed again after this too! I haven't worked out if I was feeling so cold earlier this week because I was coming down with this- or if this is because I was so cold!
thats it- no pearls of wisdom re Cairo or dance today-just moaning!!! Bah Humbug. had to cancel 2 meetings tonight re jobs too- so that shows you just how rubbish I am really feeling!!!
bones sore, voice gone, throat sore, continual coughing.... been awake for maybe 5 of the last 25 hours.... and heading back to bed again after this too! I haven't worked out if I was feeling so cold earlier this week because I was coming down with this- or if this is because I was so cold!
thats it- no pearls of wisdom re Cairo or dance today-just moaning!!! Bah Humbug. had to cancel 2 meetings tonight re jobs too- so that shows you just how rubbish I am really feeling!!!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
2 men
well... bought the blanket last night- what a difference!!! It was hard to get out of bed from the warmth this morning- discovered my flat is actually colder inside than out- that explains why I didn't need my AC throughout august but it isn't any help when thinking about the months to come! Seemingly the temp dropped overnight on sat night by 10deg- so everyone is feeling it- not just me! Good- news - It is only supposed to last for 5 days!
Spent some time in the gym today- that was really good- mega stretching- forgot how much my body loves that!!! Back there tomorrow for more of the same. Of course- I don't need to go all the way to a fully equiped gym to do that- but I can't be distracted by emails and chocolate there so I'll be going back! Was nice- finally at the Gym the guys on reception know my name......... Bellydance has some benefits!
Also- talking about being known- a friend saw a dancer at an event recently and spoke to her manager on my behalf and he already knew my name and my story ie re problems finalising a contract- I still haven't decided if thats a good or a bad thing!!!
You know... you forget in an instant on returning to Edinburgh whats its like to walk down the street here in Cairo.... I don't really understand how I am so obviously 'agnabi'- 'foreign'. To get shouts from car windows.. people praising (or questioning?) God as I walk past............ Hmm. I had a conversation with a friend here last night who was saying that he didn't like the Egyptian film 'The Yacobrian Building' recently released here (which I thought was fantastic and got great reviews) because it makes out that Egyptian men are totally preoccupied with sex, with who ever they can get it........... He obviously doesn't get the same responses walking down the street as I do!!!
Spent some time in the gym today- that was really good- mega stretching- forgot how much my body loves that!!! Back there tomorrow for more of the same. Of course- I don't need to go all the way to a fully equiped gym to do that- but I can't be distracted by emails and chocolate there so I'll be going back! Was nice- finally at the Gym the guys on reception know my name......... Bellydance has some benefits!
Also- talking about being known- a friend saw a dancer at an event recently and spoke to her manager on my behalf and he already knew my name and my story ie re problems finalising a contract- I still haven't decided if thats a good or a bad thing!!!
You know... you forget in an instant on returning to Edinburgh whats its like to walk down the street here in Cairo.... I don't really understand how I am so obviously 'agnabi'- 'foreign'. To get shouts from car windows.. people praising (or questioning?) God as I walk past............ Hmm. I had a conversation with a friend here last night who was saying that he didn't like the Egyptian film 'The Yacobrian Building' recently released here (which I thought was fantastic and got great reviews) because it makes out that Egyptian men are totally preoccupied with sex, with who ever they can get it........... He obviously doesn't get the same responses walking down the street as I do!!!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Maybe it's the tiredness- but I feel COLD!!! officially is is still 21deg in daytime but down to 7 deg at night. And 7 is pretty cold if you are sleeping with only a sheet, no blanket and there is no central heating!!! off to buy a blanket now! How did it drop so much?- I was only in UK for 2 weeks! I am wishing I had brought hot water bottle with me!!! I think I have aclimatised to Cairo by the looks of things!!!
You know- it may be 21 in daytime but you should see everyone here- the thick winter jumpers and puffy jackets are out!!! wooly scarves round necks........ glad to see its not just me feeling it! It'll be interesting to go to the market and see how the tourists are dressed- whether they feel it cold or just us who live through the 40+ temps throughout August!
You know- it may be 21 in daytime but you should see everyone here- the thick winter jumpers and puffy jackets are out!!! wooly scarves round necks........ glad to see its not just me feeling it! It'll be interesting to go to the market and see how the tourists are dressed- whether they feel it cold or just us who live through the 40+ temps throughout August!
Arrival in Cairo
you know.... I cried all the way here.......... well nearly all the way ( the air hostess refused me drink at one point- i suspect she thought the tears were drink induced!!!!) ... It has been a really stressful few days (months!!!). Saying goodbye to Khalid and family and friends and knowing that if all goes well out here in Cairo then I won't be home at Christmas is bad enough... but not knowing what it going to happen out here over the next few weeks has got me spinning in my head!
Mind you- I'm here. And two friends, Ahmed and Sherif both came to meet me at the airport- I can't tell you how much that helped. Just to know someone actually gives a damn out here (or maybe it was just the vodka I was bringing????) no, really, it helped me (esp since I don't have to put up with cairo taxi drivers til tomorrow morning now- oh- in 5 hours I mean)
And the Good news- some of you have already commented about the Christmas Parties I usually do at Morocco Walima- well- I may be here in Cairo- but I have 6 wonderful dancers filling in for me back home, so if you fancy a meal, dancing and fun on Sunday 17th Dec, for only £25 (includes a 3 course Moroccan meal and a glass of wine!) then the tickets are now on sale- either directly from Khalid at Morocco Walima, or from Elspeth, Hannah and Moyra in classes.... only 51 places in total available- so get your order in quick!!! ( and I have to plug Christmas day at Morocco Walima, and also hogmony party there too- more on those soon!)
ok- now I am off to bed- it is 4am here......... just arrived, not even opened suitcase yet and the first thing I do is write in my blog... Hmmm guess you guys might be hearing a lot from me over the next few days!!! night night.
Mind you- I'm here. And two friends, Ahmed and Sherif both came to meet me at the airport- I can't tell you how much that helped. Just to know someone actually gives a damn out here (or maybe it was just the vodka I was bringing????) no, really, it helped me (esp since I don't have to put up with cairo taxi drivers til tomorrow morning now- oh- in 5 hours I mean)
And the Good news- some of you have already commented about the Christmas Parties I usually do at Morocco Walima- well- I may be here in Cairo- but I have 6 wonderful dancers filling in for me back home, so if you fancy a meal, dancing and fun on Sunday 17th Dec, for only £25 (includes a 3 course Moroccan meal and a glass of wine!) then the tickets are now on sale- either directly from Khalid at Morocco Walima, or from Elspeth, Hannah and Moyra in classes.... only 51 places in total available- so get your order in quick!!! ( and I have to plug Christmas day at Morocco Walima, and also hogmony party there too- more on those soon!)
ok- now I am off to bed- it is 4am here......... just arrived, not even opened suitcase yet and the first thing I do is write in my blog... Hmmm guess you guys might be hearing a lot from me over the next few days!!! night night.
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Oh- meant to tell you all- I have changed the settings on this blog now so it is really easy to place comments on it- I know some of you tried in the past and found it confusing or hard... so why not have another go.......
wow... Last time I came back to Edinburgh I was actually excited and looking forward to going 'home' to Cairo.
This time I am scared. I want so much to get the whole work situation sorted out- so i can truly live my dream out there and perform... and the last 7 months have been so tough, dealing with the, well, with the people really. Not knowing who to speak to about work, how to speak to them, how much to hassle them and how little to trust them etc etc. That and just getting to speak to the right people in the first place.
Within my last week out there 2 Egyptian men told me, seperately, that I would never perform in Cairo because I looked too honest and good- ie that i was not the sort of girl to do ANYTHING to get the job ( and no , it wasn't a line!) . I can't believe that it does come down to just that, or maybe I am being too naive and wishful. Its a hard business- and i guess there are many aspects to getting to the top......... but if everything were just to go on merit alone, i know my dancing is good enough and that i have what it takes........... so we shall see over the next couple of months how it goes. Fingers crossed. Wish me luck...
This time I am scared. I want so much to get the whole work situation sorted out- so i can truly live my dream out there and perform... and the last 7 months have been so tough, dealing with the, well, with the people really. Not knowing who to speak to about work, how to speak to them, how much to hassle them and how little to trust them etc etc. That and just getting to speak to the right people in the first place.
Within my last week out there 2 Egyptian men told me, seperately, that I would never perform in Cairo because I looked too honest and good- ie that i was not the sort of girl to do ANYTHING to get the job ( and no , it wasn't a line!) . I can't believe that it does come down to just that, or maybe I am being too naive and wishful. Its a hard business- and i guess there are many aspects to getting to the top......... but if everything were just to go on merit alone, i know my dancing is good enough and that i have what it takes........... so we shall see over the next couple of months how it goes. Fingers crossed. Wish me luck...
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