Monday, November 26, 2007

Nile Group Closing party , sunday 25th Nov 07

Lets start my game of catch up at the end!

I arrived at the party (held in the Pyramisa hotel, Dokki) at 10.30pm (after I had done the early sail on the boat) fully expecting to have missed at least one dancer. Seemingly I had missed nothing- and even made it there in time for the buffet- bonus! After I had eaten enough to feed 3 hungry people... Liza started her performance. Liza Laziza is the only other British dancer currently performing in Cairo besides myself, and a wealth of knowledge on the dance having been here for quite some time performing and teaching. Very interesting to chat with!

oh dear- its only a day later and already I have forgotten which costume she worn when... but she was looking really fit and toned, oh I remember- it was a red-y peach-y colour 1st- very nice in fact, for her oriental number (which was a piece from Yasmina's CD, with the ending changed).
Her next set was the thing she is becoming famous for- Khaleegy- and she had a stunning black thobe for that.... I liked the part when she was on her knees doing all the hair tossing- great fun. and even more fun cos she had 4 drummers with her in their white long galabaya's with the headress that looks like a dish cloth (forgive me- i SHOULD know the name of that- but I have forgotten- but you know what i mean!!!)
Then it was the saaidi- with fantastic mizmar player... very bouncy and lively with a drum solo with stick at the end where she balanced and tried to balance the stick in every possible place...... Then I assumed it was over with the drum solo, which would have been a good enough end.
But then we got another oriental set- in a beautiful gold figure hugging dress, another Halla creation I suspect. Liza was happy to have had the chance to dance for her mum. The 1st time she had seen Liza dance in 5 years so Liza was a bit nervous about it- funny how no matter how long we live, we always seek out our parents approval- was nice to hear her feel liek that too!!!!!!!!!! such a shame I dont have pics of her- she did look lovely!

Hanadi and Fatima dance after that- But I am shattered now and going to bed- so that bit will have to wait for tomorrow.


Anonymous said...'s called a gutra
the black band is called an agal
khaleejis call it a thobe rather than galabeya

Lorna (aka BellyLorna!) said...

Thank you so much!

saves me searching online for the missing info!!!!