Forgive me if you are a facebook friend and have read this already............. or am repeating myself from previous blog entries!!!!

just really want to find our baby a good home in Cairo as soon as possible!
My kitten needs a new home!!!!
can you help?
he is 6 weeks old today.
very playful and affectionate. VERY playful in fact!
Tux is fit and healthy. He eating solid foods now (no longer on his very cute baby bottle) and is happy using a litter tray.
We call him Tux (on account of his markings making him look like he is dressed for dinner in his bowtie and tails) but we have only been using the name for a week so that can probably be changed if you wanted.
I dont want him to leave.... but I have no choice. Both I and my flatmate travel for ramadan and as much as I love him... I am allergic to cats- so he cannot remain a permenant feature in my flat! I never would have chosen to have a kitten at all- but when I found him on the street , only 3 days old, with his eyes still closed and no mummy nearby, being played with (as if he was an aeroplane) by a child who figured he could just keep him in a box filled with water..... i know he wouldn't live to see day 4 if we didn't take him in.
Mummy Marte and Daddy Lorna love their baby- and you will too..........
please someone find a loving home for him??? (with kids would be great since he loves to play so much- and he enjoys a cuddle in front of the TV too!!!)
Please forward this to anyone in Cairo you think would be interested- we need to have him settled in before Ramadan when he'll be homeless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh Lorna, What a great blog. I love your way of writing. Yes you will have to write a book one day some of these stories are hilarious. I do hope you found a home for your little kitten. Tux is a great name. Good for you saving its life.
Lots of love, Jo xx
I've received the same msg from "Animal Rights Protection in Egypt" group on Facebook! =)
Nice blog!
Awww, he's adorable! I wish I could take him off your hands, but I'm as allergic as you are!
what happened to him?
I have also a kitten that i found and need to give it away :S he is as adorable..
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