Monday, November 29, 2010


i shouldn't have been surprised... but when i was talking to my dresser this evening, we mentioned todays elections in Cairo. I ask if she had voted... she said of course not. Although then she added that she should have because she would have got 50le. I didn't understand, she explained.

Seemingly, according to her, and to other band members, various candidates were handing out incentives for people to vote for them. Targetting the least well off areas of the city and offering everything from money to bags of meat! I was shocked. It seems so blatent. I guess I am still fairly naive to certain Egyptian political going- ons...!

When i asked if she had any preference who should get in, she did mention a name (which i have 'forgotten') saying that he was 'straight', ie  not dodgy. But when i asked if he too was being generous today, yes, of course he was handing out the money too... he had to , to get people to vote for him, even though he was a 'good' man! She didn't understand the irony of what she had said.

well, there you go. I dont really know what else to say.


Anonymous said...

hey there..i just discovered you! you are amazing!..i found this video of you...can you please tell me what song this is? thank you much!

Lorna (aka BellyLorna!) said...

glad you like but tell me- you found which video of me? :-)

Lorna (aka BellyLorna!) said...

a friend read my blog and sent me a link to this... a video of one man ticking numberous election voting papers!!