Sunday, March 16, 2008

Messages from home

A website and newsletter i haven't ever mentioned on my blog is worth a look.

The Bellydance club newsletter keeps me up to date with reviews of workshops and performances, books, cd's and lots more all over UK and is based in fife, Scotland. Run by an enterprising and enthusiastic bellydancer, Annette McCann, she sends out your newsletter direct to your email inbox, once a month and it never fails to entertain!!!

To find out more and to register for your newsletter (for only £10 per year!!!) click the following

Also if you are a teacher based in Scotland- its a great place to advertise your classes (didn't notice any mentioned in Edinburgh yet!!!!!!) and if you are a student interested in starting out its a good place to search for more info!

I love it when I know whats going on at home, even when I am over here in Cairo! Mind you- sometimes I hear of events going on over there and I half wish I was there to attend!!!!!!!!!!!

instead I'm here........ biding my time, waiting for more dates to perform- a struggle just now since one of the boats is out of action- so there REALLY isn't enough work for all 4 of us right now..............very stressful........... roll on summer!

quote of the day 'the Dalai Lama treated me really badly' ( yes -a friend actually said this to me today. I live in a bizarre wonderful world!!!)

1 comment:

Annette McCann said...

Thank you so much Lorna! Good point about Edinburgh classes by the way - will get on the phone and get them on the list!

Great blog as ever! Interesting, informative and entertaining. Can't wait to see some of those costumes!

Cheers, Annette xx