I haven’t written a blog entry for some time- and I would love to say it is because I have been so busy working- but unfortunately that still isn’t the case.
There is a slight improvement in the numbers of tourists in town, but often the pharaoh boats where I perform are still only having one boat go out each night instead of the usual two. I hope it will pick up soon, but I am guessing it won’t now, not before Ramadan. I can but hope and cross my fingers and say Inshallah!!!!
Egypt needs tourism. It is one of the main supports of the economy here. I heard to today that they are refusing tourist visa extensions from now on. That you can get your visa... but that while you are in the country you cannot then extend your visa. This will have a big impact on Egypt with many of the thousands of foreigners here are currently here on extended tourist visas. I am not really sure what the thinking behind it is.... if anyone reading this has any ideas I’d love to hear them!
So if I haven’t been working- what have I been up to....?
well... I was playing ‘hostess with the mostess’ to my two recent houseguests in Hotel Bellylorna. Two dancers from London who had a fabulous time here, taking classes (with various teachers), having massages (I have a girl who comes to the house to do that- she’s not professionally trained- but she’s great!), and they even had a how to make your own costume class here with someone who came to the house to show them the ropes! It was a fun 2 weeks!
During that time it was my birthday... and what a day I had. The best birthday ever! Woken up with pancakes (made with rum and covered in chocolate and banana!) oh and my favourite ‘eshta’ filled Turkish delight sweets while I waited for the pancakes and tried to reply to some of the hundreds of lovely face book birthday messages (thanks everyone!)
...Then a trip to the pool for a few hours... where I even had a birthday candle in my crème caramel!
.... home for an outfit change... then off to Sequoia for a delicious dinner with 2 close friends....
And then off to the Yacht that I had hired for the evening for my friends and I to party on!!! It was an amazing evening... with about 30 good friends gathered together on the yacht ( it was due to be 3 hours- but we were all enjoying it so much that lots of people opted to chip in some money to extent the trip for a 4th hour!).

I recommend the Valentino to anyone- it cost 450le per hour... docks between the Pharaohs and Fridays on the Giza corniche, and it is large and comfortable, with a great dance floor and sound system and the management are really easy to deal with. The owner even called me the next day to wish me a happy birthday and check that everyone had enjoyed their night!

Dancing on a Yacht on the Nile, with lovely friends (a special thanks to Laura for bringing along a ton of homemade goodies for us all, and also to Ellie, Ruth and Anna Louise!!). It felt ever so decadent... Duran Duran eat your heart out! We had about 9 belly dancers on the boat- you can imagine the party!!!

I recommend the Valentino to anyone- it cost 450le per hour... docks between the Pharaohs and Fridays on the Giza corniche, and it is large and comfortable, with a great dance floor and sound system and the management are really easy to deal with. The owner even called me the next day to wish me a happy birthday and check that everyone had enjoyed their night!

Dancing on a Yacht on the Nile, with lovely friends (a special thanks to Laura for bringing along a ton of homemade goodies for us all, and also to Ellie, Ruth and Anna Louise!!). It felt ever so decadent... Duran Duran eat your heart out! We had about 9 belly dancers on the boat- you can imagine the party!!!

It seems many of my friends are also cancerians... with Diana (an American dancer here in Cairo) celebrating her birthday the day before and the two dancers from London (Delia and Debbie) celebrating theirs a week early too... 4 Belly Birthday girls......!

The night was so perfect in fact that one guy decided it was the perfect moment to propose to my friend at the front of the Yacht. I saw the moment... and thought they looked very sweet... but only after realised the importance of the occasion! Congratulations Laura and Mohammed!!!

Cairo at its best!
Life is good!
(I have some more photos to add to this blog.. but it doesn't seem to be letting me- so publishing now without those pics and will add them asap!)
(I have some more photos to add to this blog.. but it doesn't seem to be letting me- so publishing now without those pics and will add them asap!)
This is really an interesting blog as it focuses on the very important topic. i came to know about so many things or tips.
I’ve learned a lot from your blog here, Keep on going, my friend, I will keep an eye on it,
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