Monday, December 17, 2007

Dancing through the festive season - Eid Mabrook!

well ... I am dancing through Eid (tomorrow) and through New Year, but have Christmas off (which is going to be nice since I have friends coming to stay!)

Nile Pharoah 18th, 29th, 30th and 31st Dec

Golden Pharoah 22nd and 23rd Dec.

Happy Eid everyone- Kollo sena wentu Tayyibeen.........

(its the Eid (festival) where they spill the blood of the largest animal they can afford to buy- I was woken by the sound of a cow mooing below my flat this morning- i am hoping to God I am not woken tomorrow morning by the sound of the same cow being killed!!!!)


Vashti said...

Lorna, I really enjoy your blog. I'll be visiting Cairo with a tour group in March... if we make to one of your performances, I'll try hard to make our group a Number One audience!

Lorna (aka BellyLorna!) said...

I'd love to have your group in my audience when you get here in March......... or for a workshop.... or just to meet and chat. let me know when you are coming!!!