John- sipping his 'Early Grey' in front of the Pyramids, by the pool........ how terribly english!
John was voted 'best male model' for the weekend after this fetching pose...... it attempts to depict the stresses and strains of a hard life..........!
The evening had a gentle start- Anna louise, me, Paul, John, Suzanne and Waleed in the Indian restaurant at the hotel......
However- The beginning of the end.....................(well.... we had to celebrate John's Uni results after all!!!)
The food- AMAZING. The best Indian meal I have had anywhere (I even still said that on my 5th helping!!!!!!!!!) Only problem was the price- not horrific by UK standards- but worked out more expensive than the rooms!!!
then.......... not surprisingly.....How we all felt by the end of the meal!!!
some worse than others.........................................!
The hotel lobby...............
Then we went to the Nightclub in Mena House to witness the charms of the lovely Bellydancer Nancy. I felt sorry for her since there was only 1 other table in the place with us... but once she worked out that we could appreciate the music and the dance then she put on a really lovely show. Here, she is attemping to get Paul up to join her- however he was stunned into giggles at the thought of it....
She looked like she was having fun ...........
How she could dance in those shoes though I wasn't quite sure.........
The long walk around the grounds at night to try and encourage the meal to settle meant we got a chance to see this fantastic scene- so peaceful............... a fitting end to the night...
I am so jealous would love to stay there! xx
I love when you post a big photo montage like that, it really makes one feel like they're there. The food looks SO good....
We visited that hotel when we were on holiday with Lorna in January. The hotel is utterly gorgeous and is where I'm going to stay on my world tour when I win the Lottery!
I see Nancy's costumes continue to be as interesting as ever....... it's good to be different!
Enjoyed your photos and comments on Mena House. I stayed there in 2004 during AWS . . . loved the Indian restaurant, yummmmm! Best food in the hotel for sure and worth it at least once during the week I was there. I too loved having a view of the Pyramids everyday . . . I feel like a trip to Cairo isn't complete without at least a look at the Pyramids from somewhere and the Citadel (hehe, I have loads of photos of the Citadel from many directions).
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